Thursday, December 28, 2006
Heya Bloggers,
This might seem a little old obviously, but I still gotta write about it because its been such a joy to have been a part of it. It happened last Sunday, after church. I happened to have got wind of the Wangsa Maju's Caroling performance in Times Square!! Obviously, this particular piece of info came from my most valued asset in Wangsa, Adelina.. I've gotta thank God for her, she literally connects me to Wangsa Maju and keeps me up to date always.. Really a blessing.. Anyways, Since I had this particular piece of info, you wouldn't expect me to be keeping this all to myself would ya?? We as the Church of Christ always have to back each other up rite?? So, performing duty ( very happily) I gathered what Youths i could to travel all the way to Times, 2 hours away by train.. It was really God's blessing that so many managed to come.. Well, to cut a long story short, the performance was PHENOMENAL (and thats an understatement)!!! The Blue Dolphins (Wangsa's Choir) was fantastic.. The highlights were Darling Cayla and Her younger Sister!! So cute!! Oh, please Caitlynn, let me keep them!! They were so cute dancing up there.. Wow, God you really do make wonderful things.. Anyways, that wasn't the end of it, 'cause I somehow found myself up that very stage where the Blue Dolphins were performing!! The Whole Choir Conspired to shove me up that stage!! Lol, just had to perform some beatbox and sing Baa Baa Black Sheep!! So embarassing!! But then again, I'm used to it.. As long people have a good laugh, I'm happy..
Friday, December 22, 2006
Hello everyone.. I'll be leaving For Tampin in a few hours time.. For those of you who think Tampin is some type of endangered animal or food, let me explain... Tampin (in literal sense) means A type of container which you use to keep dodol... But, Its been adpoted as the name of my HOMETOWN!! lol.. So, Tampin has been the place where I grew Up, schooled in and currently live in.. Though its in some rural place in the middle of nowhere, Tampin happens to bost its very own Pizza Hut, KFC, Giant, and 7 -11 (no McD's though, bummer).. Hahhaha, its a great peaceful place which is set the mountains.. I love the people, the food, the sunrise, the football, and the calmness.. As William Butler Yeats wrote,
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
Thats Tampin..
I'm going home..
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hey People... Humans plan, but God ultimately decides... Its one rule of the universe that no one can change and holds true for each and every person who walks on the face of the earth.. Well, to be fair to my few ( but loyal ) blog supporters, I'm going to give you a lay out on what I'll be doing till 3rd of Jan..
This week : I'm currently in Ampang, In my cuzzies Condo which is a 5 min Bus ride away from Ampang Point!!! So, its of to bowling, arcade games and shopping!! But I've had a little too much of it (I'm someone who gets bored of something really quickly).. Instead, I spend my days trashing (or getting trashed) by my cuzzies at Monopoly and Scrabble.. I've also gotta prepare for my Sermon on the 24th which is *haiz* difficult.. I really gotta make it good 'cause its my 1st one!! Alos looking for an opportunity to spend some time with the youths in Wangsa and PJ (Lord Willing) But I think a visit to Wangsa is Out of the Question, since they don't meet during weekdays..
Next Week: Really Hetic, Because its Christmas!!! Wowzers, have to juggle family and church Activities without canceling out one of them!!! On the Family Side, I've reunions, and Christmas dinners to attend to, whereas on the Church side, there's a MAJOR meeting to attend to, the contents which I can't reveal yet, and also the Annual Lock In!! So Cool!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
I'm back blogging, following advice by Cassy And Junny... The last few days have been a revelation to me, and i have no doubt in my mind that it certainly Godsend.. A beautiful picture, a glimpse of heaven that God has painted for me.. Some people say that blogging is the best way to let out some inner feelings, and thats what I'm doing right now.. Blogging therapy at 4 in the morning.. The recently concluded Bible Quiz proved to be a new way to look at things to me, truely a new way I have never been before.. It wasn't about winning (which, for me, was the main objective this year), indeed it was the furthest thing possible at the end of the day. It wasn't even about learning God's Word (even though that was so important to me), but at the end of all things , God showed me Heaven. I'm not, and never will be the same after what God revealed to me. Heaven comes in so many ways, and either you see it or you're not looking hard enough. Heaven, I saw it in so many ways, in so many people. I saw it in the support of my teammates George and Jia Ying, the diligence of my other teammates Michelle, Mi Shyuen, Chye Mei, Calvin, Ariel, Benjamin, Ong Beng and James. The hospitality of people like Uncle Kok Bin, the zeal for God's work, in people like Uncle Tony and Uncle Ravi. The Beauty of the Voices Of God's People In Unision, giving praise to The Most High. The support shown by all the people who came for the Event as well as the participants.. The Enthusiasm of Young People like Zach, Caleb and Brenda, Whom I really admire. The Laughter Of Friends like Cassandra, Jun Ai, Jun Ning, Chye Leng, Adelina, the emotional Support I recieved from People like Yan Ming and Reagan , the hugs from (adopted GodMum) Sister Nalini, Uncle Chong Fatt, Uncle Chong Seng and others, and (most strikingly) the innocence in the eyes of Children like Cayla and Jasmine.. I saw heaven.. Truly, God lives in everyone of us whether you see it not. Those who see the intricate clockwork of God's Work are truly blessed indeed, and I give my Praise and thanks To God that I see his love being poured out in all the members of the Church.. I have realized one powerful thing, and I pray that You will see it as well... That no matter how far you go, or where your life leads you, Love, Peace and Joy is always found in Church.. No matter who You are in the Church, I want you to know, that you've touched my life and made me see God through you.. You have made me a better Person and I Love You for It.. Truly Heaven Exists among us, in all of us..
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Don't know Why, probably the loneliness suffered after the Bible Quiz 'Cause everyone went back addy, especially Friends from Wangsa Maju and PJ.... Haiz, miss them all...
For you I would climb
The highest mountain peak
Swim the deepest ocean
Your love I do seek.
For you I would cross
The rivers most wide
Walk the hottest desert sand
To have you by my side.
For you are the one
Who makes me whole
You've captured my heart
And touched my soul.
For you are the one
That stepped out of my dreams
Gave me new hope
Showed me what love means.
For you alone
Are my reason to live
For the compassion you show
And the care that you give.
You came into my life
And made me complete
Each time I see you
My heart skips a beat.
For you define beauty
In both body and mind
Your soft, gentle face
More beauty I'll ne'er find.
For you are the one
God sent from above
The angel I needed
For whom I do love.
I CAn't give you my preciousHEART
BUT one thing i promiseMY HEART will
NEVER FORGET YouEVEN a single day
"I will always love you"
This goes Out To every Member Of The Youth In The Malaysian Church of Christ.... And My Girlfriend whom I do love so so much....
Friday, December 15, 2006
As The All American Rejects song goes 'even when your hope is gone, move along, move along likeI know you do'.. Well, things have happened this year which has made me much stronger, Spm has passed and love found and lost *It hurts, trust me*.... Well, I'm moving my bloggie soon and i'll inform my few blogger readers when....
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities